Pixobit Solutions

They asked for:

They asked for a robust scraper, that is able to scrape tens of thousands of rss feed content from allowed sources in matter of minutes, which then will show the link to the original content. The engine consists of a manager, which carefully manages several workers (threads), that grabs the content and automatically recognizes missing content, which is later carefully filled out by the scraper automatically, by using a self taught machine.

The challenge:

The engine's power lies in the efficient caching of already scraped content, the possibility to collect important keywords from the content, and an artificial intelligence, that is capable of deciding the content's theme. The combination of these made it possible to connect the content with relevant twitter posts and overall, made it a very powerful platform to see the latest news as soon as possible.

User experience:

To make this even more useful for users, we decided to allow people to use personalized hashtags for their own news feed, this way everybody can create a personalized news feed from the latest news of personal interest.


Diameter is one of those websites, where simplicity meets modern ux. The ui was carefully designed by the awesome team at diameter.at, and our job was to bring it to life in an efficient manner.


We were challenged to create something unusual compared to other webdesigns, and we did just that, by creating unique controls if they didn't exist, and making sure it works well everywhere. We like to be challenged and bring to life even your craziest ideas.


To have the best user experience, we also had to make sure everything is smooth, no matter the content. For this we used techniques like guessing the what images will likely be viewed by the user, based on navigation, and preload them. We also made sure the site weights as little as possible, so viewing on a device becomes really lite weight.

User experience:

At the end of the day, what we really care about, is a good user experience, therefore it's the holy grail of the website. The goal is to deliver the information to the user in the most pleasent way possible. To achieve this, we made sure everything works smoothly, by making it lite weight, and using animations. However, we also made sure the website works as expected on every device, because every device is different, and we want to make sure everybody gets the full experience. In order to achieve this, we carefully tested the website on numerous devices, to cover different browsers, and different screen sizes.


Real World Problem:

We live in a time where almost everything can be managed online, and the reason for this is, that we kind of outsource part of the job to the machines, when we go online. Outsourcing part of the job, not only leaves us with more time on our hands, and allows us to focus on what actually matters, but in many cases a machine can do a way better job than a person can. Putting things this way, it makes a lot of sense why everybody is trying to go online with their businesses. However most salons still handle reservations through phone calls, which not only distracts them from their job, but it's also harder for people to contact them, and book a preferred time.

Our Solution:

In short, our solution to this problem, is to create an online space for every salon, with the possibility to handle bookings. This means they can create a profile with their schedule, services, webpage and the booking system will automatically accomodates to their schedule, and already booked times. This way they will get a lot of new customers online, and customers will also be happier, as the booking process is much more comfortable.


Because people are not yet so familiar with this kind of booking, we made it easier to transition, by creating a phone app, that will make it very easy to enter new reservations, when somebody calls in. This way the new bookings will still appear in the system, and will avoid conflict over new online bookings.